Since moving to Bethel, Victor has overcome the odds. He has began to heal wounds of his past and progress towards his healthy and life-giving future! Victor still needs sponsors, so please read below to get involved!

Meet Victor.
In the Fall of 2016, I was perusing a child advocacy site to see if any kids at Bethel had been listed with new agencies. I saw the picture of an older boy with albinism still living in his orphanage who touched my heart, but Bethel already had a long waiting list, so I willed myself to keep scrolling. All the sudden my message inbox started filling up… and so did my email… and so did Bethel’s social media messages.
“Have you seen child XXX? He really needs to come to Bethel!”…
“I saw this boy with albinism on an agencies list… he could do so well at Bethel!”…
“There’s a child really on my heart who HAS to come to Bethel…”…
I contacted our China director and told her about this boy, but I was pretty sure the answer would be no. We already had a waiting list, it’s hard to find a school that will take older kids, we would be moving sites soon… but to my surprise, our director watched a short video clip and read his file and said, “He can come if his orphanage will allow it.” And that’s how Victor ended up at Bethel!
We actually gave him the English advocacy name “Victor” because to us, it symbolized that he would be victorious in spite of the troubles that he’s faced. Victor is an overcomer. In just a few months with us, his self help and communication skills have vastly improved. He’s curious, and loves to play outside. One of his favorite activities has been to play with the hose. It was so cute to watch him smile and laugh as he splashed in the water. He also loves listening to music and likes to carry around a toy that doubles as a radio.
Victor is a loyal boy. He loves his main teacher so much, she can get him to try new things and always makes him smile. Watching their relationship has been such a joy. When I asked his teacher for an update on him, her whole face lit up. I said, “You’re pretty proud of him, aren’t you?” and she nodded, beaming. “He’s learned so much!” she said.
We are still looking for sponsors for Team Victor! If you’d like to know more about child sponsorship, you can email [email protected], or click here to set up a sponsorship. Victor is also paper ready for adoption and we would love to see him in a family. You can email [email protected] for more information.