25. What It’s Like Growing Up In Foster Care With Meaghan Martin

For those of you who are new to our podcast, welcome! We’re a husband and wife duo who founded our nonprofit, The Archibald Project back in 2012. The Archibald Project is an orphan care advocacy organization and we use media to tell stories. Our stories advocate for orphans, educate on orphan care, build community and inspire people into action. And because The Archibald Project exits fewer children are called orphan!

May is National Foster Care Awareness month, and while we aren’t calling children in Foster Care orphans, they are vulnerable, and we advocate for orphaned and vulnerable children. Kids in the system are definitely vulnerable. Today, we are so honored to start the month off with our guest, Meaghan Martin, who is a former foster youth. Meaghan shares with us today what led to her entering the foster care system on her 15th birthday, what it was like entering new homes and how she over came the odds and is a strong and successful woman today.

We would love to have you share our podcasts and stories with your friends and family, because we truly believe that the more people who are exposed to our media, the more people will be inspired to get involved in vulnerable children’s lives all over the world.

Alright guys, thanks so much for tuning in and enjoy our inspiring and insightful interview with Meaghan.

Keep up with Meaghan!

Meaghan’s Twitter!
Meaghan’s Instagram!
A really inspiring interview with Meaghan!
Meaghan’s scholarship for Foster Youth!